Have you ever heard of a topic that didn’t have an association? What you will find is there are associations for every possible topic you could imagine. All associations have monthly meetings, quarterly functions and annual events. They will bring in a speaker for each of these events as education, entertainment or motivation and inspiration.
I started out by speaking free at local association functions and then was asked to speak at quarterly events for an average of $3,500. About half of the time I would be asked to speak at the annual events for $10-15,000. The larger the association the bigger budget they have. And once you have developed a reputation for being a speaker at associations, you will have a never ending list of other associations who will want to hire you for their events.
It works out best if you customize your presentation. I will ask if I can talk with as many as ten people from the group. I ask them specific questions about the association:
- How long have they been a member
- What is the benefit of them being a member
- What would they like to change about the association
- What would they like to see the association add to their benefits
This is a fun way for you to promote your book and make a lucrative income at the same time.