I’m so excited! I love technology! I just got my Flip Video and capturing short video clips is now going to be a snap. One of the easiest methods of raising your visibility on your blog and website is to add video regularly.
My blog is not even a year old and it’s already in the top 1 ½% of all websites in the world because of the video and audio files that I keep adding to the site.
Again I was listening to a teleseminar that was supposed to be an hour long and 110 minutes into it, they mentioned how they embed video in their websites by loading the video to YouTube or MySpace. Once it’s there and you watch the video, the “embed video code” on your website message appears under the video. Copy the code and open the webpage in WordPad that you want to have the video on. Paste the video code there and that’s all there is to it.
The big bonus about doing the video that way is that when they click on the video to watch it, they won’t leave you website or wait for it to load for three minutes. And just as good, you’re not wasting your storage space on huge video files.
If you use Firefox, there is a free File Transfer program called FireFTP. They make it very easy to transfer your web pages to the Internet easily.