Keeping Up Your Blog

I have been showing my authors how to set up their blogs so they can build a following before their book is released. It’s important to establish a relationship with your followers and create a buzz about your book. One of the most difficult tasks for my authors is having to figure out something to write about each week. Once they’ve set up the RSS feeds and Twitter feeds, it only takes a single post each week to create a highly ranked blog. (More on the techniques at Blogify)

So what I suggest is using their chapter titles to inspire a topic discussion. Typically the title will generate a new response from what was written in the book. It is a great technique.

Another engaging technique is to take examples from experiences while speaking. I always have great stories from each time I speak. Last week while I was speaking in Pleasant Hill I had an amazing woman approach me and offer to help me do the fund raising for my school for the kids at risk. There were three women there who have survived breast cancer. There was a brand new author there who was trying to figure out how to promote her book and at least a half a dozen other stories I can use in writing posts in my various blogs.

Everyday life provides interesting interactions for you to write about. Just keep a notebook handy and become observant. There’s a story there somewhere.