Interviewing Authors

Another great method of increasing your database is to interview other authors. I have been so pleasantly surprised to find that only once have I been turned down by a fellow author to do an interview. Most often authors are flattered that you would ask.

This is how you’ll set it up. Get an account at Then approach authors that you find on Facebookcom or Find a date that you can set up the interview. You’ll send a page notice somewhat like this TeleseminarDetails then the forward email will have the details of the date, time and call in information TeleseminarDetails2. The complete details for how to set up a detail is available at Teleseminar.

When you tell the author to send out TeleseminarDetails to their database, you will manage to build your database. You can design your questions for the author by searching through their website and having an in depth conversation with them.

Stay tune for my interview with David Ratklin, Founder and CEO of I’ll send a notice when the date is set so you can listen in!