Connecting With Authors

I have always been a natural connector. I love meeting people and truly enjoy getting to know their stories. I find people extremely interesting. So when I get requests on LinkedIn and Facebook, I almost always follow up with a response.

I prefer following up with a live call and I’m surprised how few people will actually followup with the request to connect by phone. I don’t believe I can appreciate all the aspects of what someone has to offer or what they have experienced without that one-on-one time.

So when Alan Stransman contacted me on LinkedIn last week, I immediately responded and asked if we could talk live. Alan is a Ghost Writer and lives in Toronto.

He has two books Independently Published and sounds like he is very accomplished. In fact I will definitely introduce Alan to the next author who wants to use a Ghost Writer.

I will be going to Toronto in October and will be sure to connect with him when I’m there for a speaking engagement. We never know where these connections will lead, but I am always in awe of the talent out there in the world. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to get to know so many amazing people.